Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm still alive...

Believe it or not, I'm still alive!!

I'm terribly sorry, Christina, for scaring you. That wasn't my intent at all. In my previous update, I did write a lot of scary things, but honestly those were the things I was afraid of going into the program.

I dedicated 6 weeks of sticking to core before I'd even think about quitting. Now, the 6 weeks is over and I've decided that I'm going to continue to follow the core plan.

The six weeks was a rough adjustment, but it was the same adjustment I made when I started WW to begin with. I had a lot of the same feelings and I had the same withdrawls and frustrations. It was just over different types of food.

Let me explain...When I started WW, I craved fast food. French fries, hamburgers, ice cream. I also craved chips and cookies. Those were all foods I was used to eating all the time, so when I started I had to focus on what is a healthier way of me to eat. I found a lot of awesome low point snacks and I lived off of that. Once I adjusted, I was OK. I was content and I didn't crave any of that terrible stuff all the time.

Core was similar, but I was cutting out my low point snacks. Since I was used to having those as a staple in my diet, I craved them when I cut them out. I felt much like I did when I quit smoking over 9 years ago. Ask Gary, he probably wanted to shove some food in my mouth so I'd quit bitching...LOL!

As time went on, I felt better and I felt in control again and core is definitely a liveable lifestyle. Really, it is.

In the 6 weeks, I had lost 6.5 pounds. Now, in those weeks, I had good weeks and bad weeks. There were times I was disappointed and times I was surprised.

I hope I can continue to lose. A pound a week is good enough for me at this point. Although I can't seem to grasp that it still might take me 17 more weeks to get to goal, but then I damn, only 17 pounds until GOAL!

I've really been using my bonus points on the weekends. Having myself a "fat-free Saturday" per say. I don't think this is really the way that I want to live my life, but for now, I always feel like I just need a splurge day after doing well all week. I didn't feel like that on core, but it usually keeps me more disaplined during the week.

So that's where I'm at. I've been pretty busy with life around here these days, so that's why I'm not posting much. It must be all that extra energy I have since losing 88 pounds!! :)

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