Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh my gosh....she lives....

Ha, yes. It seems as it has been a few MONTHS since my last post. Well, I suppose in just reading my last post, there isn't much that's happened since November 1st.

Well, I take that back. A couple weeks ago (February 9th to be exact), I hit my 100th pound lost! As you can tell it's taken me a few months to lose that last 5 pounds. It's been a rough road there, starting with Halloween, continuing through Thanksgiving, rounding the corner at Christmas and finally crashing into the building at New Years. The brakes were worn, really worn.

After New Years, I decided I was getting back on track. Back to journaling, back to being accountable. I was going to be strict, I was going to be dedicated...110%. And back to hault. My body wasn't really moving. I was devastated that I spent weeks being completely faithful to my plan and working out an extra day every week. No cheating. No splurging. Nothing. And what did I get in return....NADDA! Really, not much. The day I crept over the 100th pound lost, it was by 2 tenths of a pound. Don't get me wrong...I'm taking it! And I'm not giving it back, either!!!

I'm completely relieved to be at this point. I think the pressure of the invisible line (the 100th pound line) really took a toll on my brain, thus traveling throughout my body.

I made the switch back to flex. I decided that maybe my body needed a change. I do have all intentions of going back to core, because I really like that plan (go figure...LOL). But for now, I'm shakin' things up.

Nothing would be complete here without the before/during/after pictures. Most I have posted at one time or another here on this blog, but it's so refreshing to see them all in a row.

Before (ok this wasn't right before WW, but it was about the same weight as when I started)

This one was actually taken right before I joined WW -- May 2006

July 2006 -- 19 pounds lost

September 2006 -- 35 pounds lost

December 2006 -- 50 pounds lost

February 2007 -- 68 pounds lost

February 2008 -- 100 pounds lost


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