Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weigh In #8

Today was my 8th weigh in and I lost another 2.2 pounds. That takes my total up to 19.6.

To me, it is utterly amazing how I have been able to stay on track.

Quite a few people have been making comments about my weight loss. They say they can definitely see it in my face and my stomach area. I am starting to notice a little, but I don't see it as much as everyone else does. I have to admit, it is nice to hear about how I'm looking good and I'm losing weight.

From my meeting this morning, I took the "traveling tracker". This is a notebook that a different person takes each week and journals every day, counting their points. At the end, you're supposed to write a message about how the tracker helped during the week and any motivational or inspirational advice. It definitely won't be hard to write everything down, because I do that already. What I really like about it is that I can read about others successes (or downfalls) on the program. How they cheat and what different foods they eat too. It is a neat tool to get to keep for the week!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another GREAT week!!

I had yet another awesome weigh-in at WW. I lost another 3.2 pounds!! Woot!

I know I'm bound to have an average week here soon. I have lucked out in not having any big celebrations or parties in the last couple weeks. That really helped me stay on track and be pretty damn strict. Even though I'm strict, I never have felt cheated yet. I have no problems passing up stuff that I felt like I couldn't resist before. But I still can occasionally have something yummy and totally NOT feel guilty for it. What a wonderful feeling that turned out to be!!

I never thought I had an ounce of will power inside me and turns out, if you have a passion the willpower can be overflowing.

At this past weeks meeting, there was a celebration for another WW member who had lost over 100 pounds. Her story was touching, inspirational and very motivating!! She had lost the weight in one year and one week. I hope that in one year from now, we are celebrating my 100 pound loss!! I know it is a long goal, but really a year flies by so fast now and days, that it'll be here before I know it!! I can't even picture myself 100 lbs lighter.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A little late

I went to my weekly weigh in last Friday.

After busting my butt all last week, I lost 3.6 pounds!! Go me! I'm so excited!! That takes my total weight loss from when I started Weight Watchers (June 10th) to 14.2 pounds!!

AND my total weight loss since April 18th (which was my 6 week post partum checkup) is 22 lbs!

I'm really so proud of myself. I feel better and I feel like this is something I can stick with and succeed. I can't believe I never brought myself to do this sooner. It is such a great feeling.

I had my HS reunion and although I couldn't lose the massive amount of weight that I'd like to have lost, I still walked in feeling good about myself. I kept thinking, I am going to blow everyone away at my 15, that's for damn sure!!

I bought those mini bags of popcorn and I figured the points for one mini bag is 1 point. It doesn't even seem right that I can eat a whole mini bag for 1 pt, but it's true!! What a great way to curve a munchie craving!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I can't believe it!!

After 4 different parties last week in which I ate like a pig at 2 of them, I still lost 1.2 pounds for the week.


I am amazed and plan on trying to do extra good this week, so I can hopefully see higher than a 1 pound loss for this week!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tough Week

This past week has been TOUGH!! With celebrating Gary's birthday on Saturday night with drinks and lots of yummy foods, to going to a kids birthday party, and two cookouts for the 4th weekend....I haven't been eating so well. I need help getting back on track!!

I did lose another 1.8 pounds with this past Saturday's weigh in. I really want to make sure I lose weight this Saturday too, but my hopes lie in that I hope that I don't GAIN weight at this coming weigh in.

I have been doing soo well keeping track of everything I ate and not eating too much junk. This week has been terrible. I started eating junk and now I can't stop. Tonight I even got a small hot fudge sundae and I totally shouldn't have.

Going back to work tomorrow will hopefully put me back on track. I am taking out something good for dinner, so I'm not tempted to eat something "easy"...aka...not good for me...

So, keep your fingers crossed for me that I am not incredibly disappointed in myself at this weeks weigh-in!!