Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Weigh-In Tuesday

Today is my weigh-in Tuesday. I pulled out a really old digital scale that I had years ago. I can't remember why I had put the scale away, but I am not sure if I like it or not. It is pretty cheap.

So, I weighed myself on my dial scale and on the digital scale. The dial scale read 285 and the digital scale read 282. I think I like the digital scale better...LOL. Either way, I lost a few pounds...woo hoo!!

This weekend was busy. I had a friends birthday party Saturday evening. It was my first time out in a long time!! I did have a few beers. They tasted so yummy! I don't drink a lot normally, but it was nice to get out and have a few drinks. I was really good at dinner too. I ordered myself a grilled chicken salad.

On Sunday, we had a friend's son's birthday party. I ate pizza, cake and ice cream at that party. At first, I felt guilty. But, then I thought I need to be able to have some stuff every once in a while. I can't deprive myself of all of the good things, or I will totally crash this diet and start eating way too much junk. I really don't consider pizza as fast food, so I am still on track with no eating fast food.

I am pretty excited that I lost a couple pounds. I hope they keep coming off like that!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Feeling Great

Jazzercise felt great tonight!! It was great to get out of the house and it was great to work out!! Yay for getting back on track.

I plan on going Friday morning, since Gary is on-call and doesn't have to go to work until 11:00 am.

No chocolate splurges for me either...go me! I haven't thrown anything away yet. Gary likes the chocolate too and I don't want him to be mad at me that I threw it away. I would like to keep the will power going and being able to not eat it even if it is here. But, if I splurge one more time when I don't want to, it will go in the garbage!!

I really want to get an digital scale. I have a dial one and I can never tell exactly what it says and it always seems to fluctuate up to five pounds. I decided I will record my weight once a week and for now it will be on Tuesdays!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Exercise Time

Today I start going back to Jazzercise. It has been 2 1/2 months since I have gone and I am nervous about going back. I am nervous to get really sore all over. I am nervous I will be uncoordinated. I am glad to get back into it though. I think that is one reason I have been feeling so crappy lately. Since my body was used to a regular exercise routine, I felt like crap when I stopped going (which was doctors orders). I just hope I can drop some weight quickly when I go back.

I drank 3 pops yesterday. But, they were diet pops, so it isn't that terrible. But, I didn't meet my goal. Today I will try again!!

I also ate a fucking reese's peanut butter egg. There is so much Easter candy and Alyssa can't eat much of it. Chocolate is such a weakness. So, what should I do to make up for the PB egg? I want to throw away the candy, but feel bad because people bought it for Alyssa. But she is too little to have that much.

Thanks to those who are reading and for the support. I love it and need it!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Starting Weight

Today was my 6 week post partum checkup and I got my starting weight. I was actually somewhat pleased that I only have two more pounds to go before hitting my pre-pregnancy weight. But, I was somewhat disappointed because I had wanted to be at my pre-pregnancy weight by the 6 week checkup.

In deciding to share this number with everyone, it seems like such a big step. It is hard to discuss weight, especially when you are very overweight, but it has to help me on my journey. It is what I am at this point and I have finally decided to make myself a healthier person by trying to lose it. starting weight is 288.

While waiting to be seen by the doctor, I have decided I would like my long term goal to be to lose 100 pounds (give or take). This will be accompanied by several short term goals. I think I need to feel accomplished for those little goals to make me hold out for my long term goal.

My first short term goal is to only drink two diet pops a day and the rest water! This will be a hard first goal, as I love my diet pop and it has only been 6 weeks where drinking caffeine didn't make me feel guilty. I have been drinking a lot of pop recently and now I want to cut that out. If I decide to have coffee, I will try to only drink one or no pops throughout the day. (I love coffee too, but am too lazy to make it everyday).

I already had one pop today and I chugged it. I was so mad afterwards because I should have enjoyed it more. I am going to make myself a tuna sandwich for lunch, with low fat mayo on whole wheat bread.

A Weight Loss Journal

I decided to start a blog to help me with my weight loss. I need motivation and will power to get to my goal. I figured that starting a blog would be a helpful way for me to vent, record and motivate me during this time.

The goal? Well, I haven't figured that out quite yet. I have a LONG way to go before I will reach anything that I am truly happy with. I don't know if it is better to set the goal so far away or to set a shorter term goal. So, at this point my goal has yet to be determined.

Today I have my 6 week doctors checkup. I will find out what my starting weight is. I have also debated on weather to post my actual weight and the weight loss accumulated. I am thinking I just might only because that can be more motivation for me to keep on going!

Good news from yesterday - I passed up getting food from Wendy's when my husband went there yesterday. Talk about will power. I almost caved, but didn't. The reason? Because I haven't eaten at a fast food place in about 3 weeks. Amazing, huh? Well, for me that really is.

So, wish me good luck on this weight loss journey of mine. I hope this blog can bring me the motivation I need to stay on track and lose a bunch of weight!!