Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A picture from today...

Here is a new picture of me from today. 68 pounds lost...

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's been a while

I am still here and I am still on track.

So far, to date, I've lost 66.8 pounds!

I don't even know what week I'm on anymore. I know that my 9 month anniversary with Weight Watchers is on March 11th and I had a goal to have lost 75 pounds by then, but it seems like a little bit of a far stretch now to reach that.

I'm definitely not disappointed though. I knew that the weight would be a little harder to come off now.

I've got about 40 pounds to go until I reach the top of my healthy weight range. I'm excited that I've got less to lose than I've already lost.

So, here is an update for anyone who still reads up on me!
