Linda Loses It...My Weight Loss Journey

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I knew it...

Well, it finally came back and bit me in the ass...I gained this week. I gained 1.6 pounds and it's not even my period week.

Let's clap for me though...I didn't cry in the meeting today. I knew I was probably going to gain and not that I'm "ok" with that necessarily, but I knew that the last few weeks I hadn't done too well and I still managed to lose. I should have gained at least one of those weeks, so I'm taking this as payback for losing those other weeks. (Whatever helps me sleep better at night, right?)

But with that said, I'm going to do awesome this week. I'm vowing to journal everyday and hopefully by next Saturday I'll be down 3 pounds (to make up for the gain plus another 1.5 pounds).


Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm in shock!

I'm still in shock over this past weigh in. I lost 2 tenths of a pounds. While I know it's not huge, I'm EXTREMELY relieved that I didn't gain anything.

See, last week was my birthday week. I had drinks Saturday night. Cookout on Sunday...complete with cake. Cupcakes on Tuesday. Cookies AND cake on Thursday.

Now, I'm NOT bragging, I promise. This is still so shocking to me. So when I come crying to you next week that I was super awesome in my decisions and I still gain, remind me of this post where I indulged way too much. It's going to catch up with me...I just know it.

Plus, I'm so freakin' close to being under 200, it's ridiculous. I've been dangling on the line for a couple weeks now. It's driving me insane. And THAT is my motivation for the week. I need to lose at least 2 tenths of a pound in order to get under that number! I know it's only a number, but oh, it's so important to me right now!!

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